I'm a working girl!

What up sweet thangs? The biggest news is that I have a job! WOOOOO! Lauren and I both got hostess jobs at Keen's Steakhouse: www.keenssteakhouse.com. That's right. I hear you laughing as you're eating your beef fajitas and chicken casseroles. The vegetarian got a job in a steakhouse. Ha ha ha. I'm not going to lie. The cheeseburgers looked good today, but hey- don't hate. And please don't start sending me recipes that involve meat. Quick story- whenever I told my sister I was thinking about eating meat about a year and a half ago she got all excited and started talking to me about buffalo meat and how it was so lean and so good for you. She said, "you know Em, if you wanted to start eating meat you can just start off on organic meat." Then she got me the magazine "Organic Living" for my birthday that year. Sweet thing. I guess she really wanted me to get some protein in my diet or something. All in good fun- I loved the magazine, but never got around to trying ta tonka (Miner family joke.)
The job is going well. I've only been there for 2 days, and so far it's exactly what I expected. It's pretty much a type of receptionist position except I'm on my feet all day. I would ask one of the roommates for a foot rub....but...I've already done that. And it was quite comical, I might add. It went a little something like this:
Let me set up the scenario for you. Omar comes home pretty drunk- drunk enough to make fun of him to his face without him realize what's going on. So...I used it to my advantage:
O: So whatever you girls want me to do around the apartment, seriously just tell me and you can consider it done. I'm serious girls, whatever.
E: Oh, that's great that you say that because last week you told us you would rub our feet.
O: Uh...I did?
E: Yeah, you don't remember?
O: Ha ha....ha. You're just messing with me.
E: no seriously. You told us last week that you would give us both foot massages.
O: oh ok.
That's right. He was my bitch.
Lauren and I went to one of our favorite local spots tonight, The Brick, for a little girl time before Omar gets back. (He went out of town.) It's honestly been a little nice to have the place to ourselves. Not that we don't enjoy his company, it's just that...well...you understand...he's a boy.
The pics are of Lauren and I tonight. That ungodly scrumptious pie was Omar's bday present- except I think I've eaten more of it than he has. It's a fresh open peach pie. Isn't it just lovely!!!?? My sister would have flipped over this pie! Oh sad...can't think of family right now...get a little mopey.
Speaking of which- I talked to my brother for the first time in 3 weeks. He's in Alaska for the summer, and he doesn't get cell phone reception, so we were finally able to talk last night. I literally had to go because hearing his sweet voice made me a little homesick. He just sounds so grown up. He asked me, "so do you ever ride the subway?" So cute. If he only knew.
That's about it for now. I think that peach pie is calling my name. Yep! Sure enough! It's beckoning me!
Until next time.