Things are good in the big A

Why hello there! Long time no post. Things are going well over in my neck of the woods. I've been busy with work, rehearsals, and the new place. Summer is almost over, which supposedly means things will be picking up in NY. They say that everything slows down during the summers here, which is fine for me considering it gives me more time to get acquainted with everything.
The show I'm in opens in 2 weeks. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK! It seems to be shaping up at every rehearsal. This is a good thing because I was honestly a little worried about it. We rehearse and perform in central park, so I'm grateful for the cooler weather. Today was the first chilly day of summer; it was just cool enough to wear the great hoodie my brother sent me from Alaska. Yippee!
I don't really have much to write about today. I'm sure there are some crazy stories that are brewing in my head, but honestly I'm a little too sleepy to think of any wild adventures. (It seems like I'm sleepy a lot these days, but I promise to be doing great.) Just as a side note: I'm done with the detox. It went well for the first week, then I splurged for one day and never looked back. Oh well, I had a really healthy week. I was supposed to go for 2, so maybe I'll try again in another couple of months.
Also, I got some really cheap sale items from Urban Outfitters to decorate my new room with. I took detailed pictures to show my 2 lovely girls of course- my mom and sister, whom if the stars allow might be able to come and visit me at the end of October. For the love of girl time and all that is holy, please keep your fingers crossed. I think I might wet my pants a little if they tell me they are indeed coming to visit.
The pictures pretty much explain themselves. The ones where I'm flaying about is proof of my newest fascination: krumping. If you don't know anything about it, I highly recommend the documentary, Rize. The new cutie is my roommate, Kristel. We get along nicely and giggle like school girls. The cute, tall guy is her boyfriend Darin, which oddly enough I giggle with as well.
Happy and healthy, with all my love,

Hey Gir,Love,love,love the room. What a soothing retreat to come home to after a busy day in the Big A.The krumping were happening even before it got popular. Also, what is happening at the park? Stay happy, strong, and healthy. Love you tons,YSA xoxo!!
p.s. Trickle, trickle...stay hopeful:)
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