new people to meet, new desserts to eat, new pair of shoes on my feet dovey left me. Kristel. She left for her Christmas show this morning. While she's baking in Phoenix, I'll be here with a new roommate, Merryn. It will be tough without her, especially considering she's the one the takes pictures of Darrin and I in the heat of our dance breaks. Who's going to film us? Who's going to laugh at our jams? Who am I going to joke about toots with? Joking aside, I'm going to miss her. I've grown used to my 2 main girls: Lauren and Kristel. They've been such strong, healthy influences. Merryn seems like a total gem though, and I am excited about getting to know her. She's terribly cute and positive energy radiates from her, so I'm pretty sure it's going to be a great match. Until she arrives, I have the place to myself. My mom, sister, and 2 nephews come next week, which I'm really looking forward to. There will definitely be pictures of that visit soon!
Here are some pictures of Darrin's bday celebration and The Frogs photo shoot. I would talk to you about my experience with "The Frogs" but it's still too fresh. I'm basking in the glory of not having to think about what an awful experience it was. I'll be over it soon.
Please keep Kristel in your thoughts and prayers. She'll in in Arizona till January, and then heads out for the national tour of Urban Cowboy: The Musical in February.
Please make sure to keep reading the blogs below. There should be a new one before and after this one.
Love love.

Glad IT is over, the play that is. Now on to bigger and better things. Big ones I'm telling ya, big ones. YSA
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