Back home

It starts with a call at 1:00 in the afternoon. "I just wanted to see if you kids wanted to come over for a mini wine tasting. We can do that or..." (as we hear Mom in the background)..."or Mom just suggested fajitas and ritas. Whatever you like." So begins the Sunday night Miner get together.
We arrive. Dinner that's supposed to take place at 5:30 finally gets going around 6:30 with all of our favorites. We first gather around the kitchen table with an endless supply of pre-dinner snacks and beverages. Today it's chips and veggies. Ok ok. It's chips and veggies everytime. (With a side of sour cream...) While someone finishes up the preparations, we all gather outside while my dad grills and the boys play in the yard. We eventually sit down, preparing ourselves for yet another Miner family meal...and to whomever has joined us in one of these ventures, you know what that entails. Steaks for everyone but my mom and I, salad and veggies for everyone but Chris and the boys, some sort of alternative (this time it was fish) for the weaklings and of course wine and dessert for everyone. So the night begins. During which my dad, brother in law, and I seem to enjoy the cab blend a little more than everyone else, making corny jokes only we seem to find funny- Dad being the best (or worse!) of course. We watch the boys as they finish before everyone else and play with the random toys strewn about the livingroom. This all goes on for quite some time until my mom brings out the pre dessert-dessert, this time "Mother's" taffy cookies- an old school favorite of my sister's.
It ends with port, dancing, and the music a little too loud, while Ethan, the music loving nephew, urges me to get up and dance with him. Because let's face it, I don't need much coercing and he knows it.
And I'm home.
I'm going to be home for quite some time- 2 months as of right now. Ethan, my first nephew and the cutest godson ever, can't seem to wrap his head around it. "Will you be here next week, Auntie Em"- a name he hasn't called me since he was a baby. "Yes Ethan! I'm going to be here for many weeks." "Will you be here when we see next year?" Ethan asks. "Ok, now your pushing it." Kidding.
I made the decision to go home after finding out that my sister's third baby, our first girl, was diagnosed with Spina Bifida- a neural tube disorder effecting the baby's spinal cord and brain. The baby, tentatively named Penelope Star until they decide otherwise, will need surgery immediately following the birth. Spina Bifida patients have an open spine which therefore forms a sack (usually along their back) filled with their spinal fluid, cords, and nerves that weren't able to naturally form in their spine. The surgeons will try to place the contents of the sack back into her spine, close her skin and possibly place a shunt in her brain to drain any excess fluid. It sounds very serious, and it is, and if anyone knows me, they know how deeply rooted I am to my sister, thus it's not a surprise that I want to be near her at this time.
I'm a strong believer in family. Sure, we all have our ups and downs, but this is the perfect time to go back to the foundation. Centuries have passed and I feel that society has lost the nature to gather and help one another. Women used to gather in tribes and raise one another's child. Men used to form groups to go out hunting, help feed the trail and support one another's young. That to me feels natural, thus the reason I've decided to come home. Especially if the person I can help is my sister, who by the way is healthy and oh so happy.
So I'm here. I get the bottom bunk while Ethan gets the top. I use the word "pookie" and put random animal names after their real ones: Wesley Bear. I find myself emersed in old stories, toddler sounds, and favorite recipes. I easily give myself away to Texas weather, mosquito bites, and too much ice cream after too much food. I remember who I was the last time I lived here, and relish in the fact that I'm a different person than who I once was.
I must say that all my friends and loved ones have been nothing but supportive in regards to this move. It helps to have the thoughts and prayers that so many people have left me with. Thanks.
So have a New York beer on me. Stay up too late and enjoy the noise and hustle of the city. Until I'm there to join you, I'm happy with the company of my family and hometown.
Love love,