Happy 4th of July y'all!!

What up! Man hold up too much lean in my cup I had a fun day today. It's 8:50 and I'm already ready for bed! First off, Lauren and I went to a 4th of July bbq at a work friend's house. That's right! I have friends other than Omar and Lauren. What! Look at me meeting new people in NYC! We went to another house in Astoria (practically neighbors) and ate and jammed all afternoon. It was so good to be around people our own age. The thing about people in NY is that they're incredibly hospitable. We knew 1 person out of about 20 and we ended up visiting with most of them. It helps that most of them are "in the business" which makes them really outgoing and very accepting of other "biz" junkies. The get together was on a patio covered in grape leaves. How cute is that!? (We are in Astoria after all- land of the Greeks.)
Most of the pictures are from today's bbq. I do this thing (poor Lauren) where I say "ok Lauren! Let's take pictures like this!" For instance, "Ok Lauren. Let's take pictures of us sneaking around this random apartment!" Don't worry my sweets, it wasn't that random. The other ones were of Lauren and I acting a flat mess. For some reason the song "Cool" from West Side Story has been on our minds all afternoon. We've been changing the lyrics to popular songs (it doesn't help if we don't know the real ones), so the new lyrics we came up with were "boy boy crazy boy. Stay cool boy. Easy does it, chicken nugget, stay cool boy!" It can also be "cheesy nugget" depending on our mood. We were on the subway platform waiting for the train back home and couldn't help breaking into West Side Story song and dance. We were probably doing that for a flat hour and had quite the audience also. We didn't care though- we were in our own little world. We feed off of each other very nicely. We break out in random song and dance a lot, which really comforts me considering I'm not around my old random dance partmer- my mom. Man, we would have her cracking up like it was nobody's business!
Once we got home we learned about more young people that lived a few houses down, and they invited us to their house warming party. Like I said- the people here are very friendly! You would think they all came from the south the way they welcome everyone into their home.
The other pictures are from my yoga room and the kitchen. I wanted to show you my view- what you would have seen if you were sitting right next to me. Tear. Do you see that crazy old lady?! Doesn't she remind you of the matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof? I kept singing "matchmaker matchmaker make me a match..." Of all the people I sang that to, Omar was the only one that chimed in when I started singing. I guess he was the only one of my friends that grew up with the traditional Jewish musical.
The picture of the kitchen is my favorite lounge spot. I open the screen, sit on the ledge, and ponder things. It's very peaceful and one of the coolest places in the house. I have to remember to close the screen though, because the flies come in and land on my face. Ok, they don't land on my face, but we do have an overabundance of flies.
That's about it over here. I work another 10.5 hour shift tomorrow at work, so wish me luck. Maybe another insanely handsome british man will come in again and brighten my day. Ah. Swoon.
Love love.

Nuts, Nuts, Nuts! You are cracking me up. Looks like you found a kindred spirit. That does look like the match maker.Good somertimes.xoxo ysp
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