It's dark out here!

So it's been pretty hot around here lately. Hotter than a mug or a firecracker you might say. Naturally, when it's this hot outside people use their nice air conditioners inside. Since everyone and their brothers were inside yesterday staying cool, parts of Queens ran out of energy. Without energy we don't have electricity, therefore the point of this story is to complain about the lack of electricity my roommates and I have had since last night.
I get on the train to go home from Manhattan and they say there's a power outage in Queens. We sit on the train for a while, so I decide to get out, run to the TKTS booth, and buy a ticket for Faith Healer with yummy Ralph Fiennes. There wasn't any point in trying to get to Astoria. I probably wouln't have had electricty, which would have made me hot and grumpy. The show in itself was just ok. Ralph was not even that hot (I mean, he is, they just grossed him up for this role) but the other 2 actors were great. Overall, I felt proud of myself for seizing the Broadway opportunity. Sure the tickets are bloody expensive, but I can once again eat off of beans for a week.
I come home; we have about 5% electricity and it's hotter than hades in our apartment, so we hang outside with the neighbors. Throughout the night I have to call 911 because of smoke billowing out of the sidewalk, wake up a few times to more fire trucks throughout my street, silently cuss out the people across the street that are able to use their fans and ACs, and wake in the morning to the sound of firecrackers. Well, it sounded like firecrackers but really they were the man hole covers getting blown off of the street. So needless to say, it's hot. Man hole covers are blowing off y'all. Blowing off. Thankfully the rain yesterday cooled everything off, so it's not as bad as it could be.
So we've been sitting in the dark on our computers all night. We now have about 2.75% electricity- just enough to use our computers THANK THE LORD. I haven't seen any roaches in the darkness at least. Then again....what I can't see won't hurt me.
Here are some blackout themed pictures for your enjoyment.
This is where we've been hanging out all night: Lauren's room. It's the only place in the house where we can get an internet connection. Thank you kind neighbor for letting us mooch off of your wireless connection.

The same picture I always take when posting these blogs:

I'm scared:

Who's there? You better watch out- I'll whack you! No seriously, it's really dark in this house. Who's there?

Good summertimes, good summertimes. ysa
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