A little NY experience

Well hello again my sweets. You know, I'm hearing about more and more people that are actually reading this blog, and I can't help but giggle with excitement! It didn't occur to me that people could be reading and not commenting. For all I knew my mom and sister were the only ones that read it, so that was enough for me! Then the other day John Mayer emailed me on myspace and said, "Hey girl. I started reading your blog and I see that you live in New York. You want to make some music together one day?" AHHH! Wouldn't that be crazy...I mean...if that really happened. The other day at work we had a reservation on the computer under John Mayer. I said to the girls I work with, "Seriously guys, if he comes in here you're going to have to take over because I won't be able to do my job right." Unfortunately the John Mayer party turned out to be 4 old white men- not really what I wanted to see.
Speaking of my job, it's going really well. It's exactly what I had in mind, which I'm grateful about. The people I work with are very friendly, and they seem to have taken to me nicely. I was honestly surprised to see so many friendly faces. Maybe it's because I'm the new girl with a high pitch voice and bouncy curly hair from Texas, but I didn't really think I would fit in. They all invited me to go out with them after work last weekend and I thought, "yeah, I'm in." I guess that means I officially work in the restaurant business- living the stereotypical bar outing after we get off. I thought that was such a restaurant cliche, but it really happens. This one girl said to me while we were at the bar, "you know why I like you!? Because the fact that you're from Texas is written all over your face!" Well, whatever works for me, right?
I've been trying to think of NY experiences to share with y'all. There are things that happen everyday that I realize might be fun to share. You know, just to give you more insight on what it's like living here. So to catch you up on the NY lifestyle I would like to tell you about my bug story. That's right. I'm the bug lady.
So there was a time last week where it was very hot. So hot that I probably used the phrase "I'm hotter than a firecracker" at least 6.5 times a day. So hot that I remembered an instance whenever the air conditioner went out in my home in Houston, and wished that I wouldn't have been such a diva because it was nothing compared to the heat of my NY apartment. So naturally when it gets hot out the precious bugs come in. Hey! Can you blame them? They're just trying to stay cool. Well, you little creepy crawly bitches- you come in my room, I'll stomp on your ugly face.
And that's just what I had to do. Since moving here I have seen 6 species of bugs in my room. Most of them I don't recognize, but that wasn't the case with my last victim. The dreaded Texas Roach. And this sucker wasn't an ordinary roach. He was the grandfather of the Texas Roach Mafia. You see, I can kill roaches. It's definitely not something I enjoy doing, but I can do it. I see him in my yoga room- I scream. I was hot, ready for bed, and I really didn't want to deal with him at that moment. I grabbed a shoe and tried going after him (and roaches are always male, do you ever notice that?) but he went behind the heater. I tried moving it, but he just stayed in his one little spot- I know because I was watching him like a hawk. A hawk about to slam the shoe down on his little face. He didn't come out so I went huffing and puffing to the kitchen and bathroom to see if we had any raid. But no!!! Emily's home by herself, there's a big honkin roach in her room, and there's no raid to be found! I see how it is!! So all I can find is this hippie cleaning solution. It doesn't have any "bad things" in it, so I really don't think I'm going to kill this thing, but I'm desperate. Desperate and extremely irritable at this point. I'm honestly a little glad there wasn't anyone in the house because this demon personality (and vocabulary) came out and was ready to rumble.
I went back to my yoga room with the cleaning solution that you could probably drink it was so healthy for the environment, but he was no where to be found. GREAT! THIS IS JUST GREAT! I don't know about you, but I can't sleep if I know there's a roach running around. Maybe it's because of this flashback:
Emily: circa 1995
Dad: ready for bed and not in the mood to kill roaches
Aaron: along for the ride
E: DAD! I just found a roach in my room! Please kill it! Please kill it!
D: Aaron, come on.
They move stuff around, I get out of the room.
D: Ok, we got it.
E: Thanks Dad!
I go to bed, it's hot so my legs are sticking out of the covers, and then I feel something crawl across my foot.
He lied to me. My father lied to me. He couldn't find the roach, so he said he killed it in hopes that I would just go to sleep. No Dad. I didn't go to sleep. Now I'm not able to sleep whenever I know a roach is in my room because I'm afraid it's going to crawl on my foot. Thanks for traumatizing me.
Ok. We're back. So you can see why I had to kill that SOB right then and there. I soon see him in my bedroom (that ho traveled from the yoga room to my bedroom.) He goes behind my bed, and I'm yelling like a maniac. Seriously, I sound like I have a problem. My windows are open, because it's hot and we don't have central air, so all the people walking past my apartment can hear me and my extremely foul language. I move my bed around, but he's so quick that he escapes me everytime. Then I lost him. I lost him and he's warm and cozy somewhere along my bed. Then I see him racing on top of my bed!!!! He's so fast that I can't do anything but SCREAM. It's around midnight and I'm screaming my fool head off. Seriously y'all, this was a sight to see.
He then gets on the floor somehow and I do it. I crush that sucker like I was born to kill roach mafia members. I'm doing this and screaming, I mean screaming, with all the power and might in my body. Whew!! The deed is done. I don't even care about cleaning up the roach poo on my shoe. That's a cinch compared to the duel I just had with this dude. The thing is y'all, if anyone heard me they probably thought I was getting beat up or something. These screams and dirty words came out of my mouth, and I didn't even realize it until I yelled them! Seriously, I turned into a demon!
I went to bed and could only think of 3 things: 1. My father would be so proud of me. 2. Well, I live in NY now, so I guess I have to accept the fact that there's bugs. And 3. what if I see a mouse?
And that concludes my NY experience for today. The following pictures are mostly of the Omar and Emily adventure we had yesterday. We went to Central Park and walked around Manhattan. The one with the ice cream cone was to show my fam that I can get dip cones here in NY too! We got them from a street vendor and I said, "man, I haven't had a dip cone since my Dairy Queen days." We don't have DQs around here. Also, I straigtened my hair for the fun of it yesterday. I have this very very strong urge to cut all my hair off, so I wanted to try a little something different. Next time you see pics of me I might have boy hair.
Love love.

Mouse,smouse. you mean wait till I see a (insert spooky music here)...rat! ewwwwww! Looks like a fun NY day.Do not, repeat, do not get boy hair. It is much too cute curly and/or straight. But hey, I used to say you could be bald headed and still be cute. It's only hair, right? You know you could become a writer till this acting thing takes off. You have such a knack at it. I enjoy the blog so.Have a great NY week. Be safe. Love from your secret admirer(you know)xoxo!
Chile! Where are your shoes?! I just got your link today (your bad!) and have just finished reading ALL of it. Love the pictures - miss you sooooo much! All the good karma to you, girl.
Sister, if it's so effing hot, why are you wearing jeans? And I can see why you want to cut your hair. It looks so long (and cute) when you straighten it. Does it stick to your neck when it's hot? That's what's driving me crazy.
About the roach...I'm so sorry you were traumatized. I too was traumatized. Mom made me kill one until I was almost crying one time. Maybe that's why we have exterimators now. Sorry you had to go through that. And how gross that one crawled on your foot. I don't know what I would have done.
Anywho...love you lots. I need to post more pics.
love love and peace out.
oooo, don't cut your hair. it's so cute. of course, you would look great with short hair, it is easy, and you never have a bad hair day. however, then directors will only see you as a modern girl who plays one type of role. it sucks, but it does tend to work that way. love your blog so so much.
this is out of control. the whole roaches flashbacks. i know for a fact that pops killed a roach that night, hell, he killed like 3 or 4 now that i think about it. so don't call pops a liar, you just had an infested room. anyways, good seeing you happy em, i'm so glad your adapting well. hope to talk to you soon.
-lil bro
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